I almost rang my Mum today...

I almost rang my mum today
I nearly got as far as the phone
But the house was a mess, the kids were fighting
And the dog wanted his bone
Everyone wanted to talk to me,
Some to whinge and wine
I nearly rang my mum today
But I guess I ran out of time

If I’d rung my mum today
It would be just to say ‘hello’
“how ya doing” and “whats new”
Nothing special you know.
But I knew I’d get stuck on the call
For way too long you see
There were things to do and stuff to make
And places I could be.

I nearly rang my mum today
I guess I really should
Even just to stop her saying
“to hear from you would be good”.

I wish I’d rung my Mum today, or even late last night
To chat to her about nothing much and tell her I’m alright
Instead I'm heading off to sit beside her bed all night
In the hospital with smells and sounds and lights oh way too bright

I wish I’d rung my Mum today to tell her how much she was loved
But instead I left it way too late and into the background she was shoved
Don’t let those little ‘busy’ things be at the top of your list
Tell your Mum that you love her ......... before you have to tell her she is missed


  1. My almost " rang my Mum today " happened 20 years ago. I tried all weekend to call her but things kept giving in the way. On Monday I wanted to call her, but in my spirit I knew it was already too late. I just could not make myself make that call. As soon as I got to work my sister phoned to say the Housekeeper found my Mama. She had passed away in her sleep. I would give anything, anything to turn back the clock and call her. My advice is to stop everything, send the kids to their rooms, put a hold on cleaning and shopping and rang Mum.

  2. Karen Marquardt Mckenna10 September 2013 at 10:38

    Love your posts
    Great pick me ups when I need it the most.
    Thank-you for sharing with us

  3. I know , I remember when my mother would call me on sat. and say let's go to the shopping center--I worked full time, had small children, had to clean house, buy groceries, on Saturday---I would say I can't go I've got to much to do---she would SAY OK---I COULD tell she was disappointed---I would hang up phone and get to thinking about how disappointed she was--I'd call her back and say Mama I'll go--I'll do what I have to do later---she was so happy---I'll never regret calling her and telling her we would go---sometimes I wish she was here to call me---I miss so much talking to my mama....I Love my Mama---

  4. I could substitute 'sis'. Better call today!!

  5. its 2 years today my mum had passed I was in hospital with pertonitus my mum had visited me the day before she died she lost her phone saying to my younger sis I need a new phone cant ring Elaine she passed away next morning . please don't put off today what you think you cant do today .I still go to ring my mum today


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