Forget the Forties!

I always dreaded being sounds sooo old!!
The thought of all the imminent health issues and constant hospital visits, weight gain, wrinkles, stress incontinence, grey hair, facial hair, my body taking on a mind of it's own and all the other joys that being a woman over a certain age brings, terrified me!!

Being 49 was a total nightmare! My last year in my forties...before life starts to go rapidly downhill!
(or so I thought!) 
However...I have to say I am LOVING IT! I'm overweight and let's forget about having a waistline..I said goodbye to my waist over 12 months ago! But who cares?!...I ache in places that I didn't even know I had, not quite the bearded lady yet, but let's just say my tweezers are my new best friend! (Or is that my slippers?) 

I find myself constantly saying things like...
 "When I was younger...." 

And of course there's the the sudden and unexpected talent of being able to cough, fart and pee all at the same time.
There's one other thing too, but I can't remember what it is.......
Oh yes! Forgetfulness! That's it!!

And yes, I had my moments in my 40's...There have been lots of wonderful, memorable times throughout my life, but being 50 brings a sort of  calmness with it, like an inner peace...a more laid back attitude to life and an ability to appreciate things and people that really matter!
I no longer get too hung up about the little things in life.
I get more enjoyment out of the simple things.
I love myself more and care less what other people think of me.
Impressing other people is no longer important.
Those that love me, love me for who I am.
And I have actually found that because of this attitude people are less judgmental and more willing to accept me just the way I am and if they don't, it's their loss!
If I want to do something...I just go right ahead and do it!
I know more! I have lived a lot and learned a lot. I'm not saying I'm wise...just less stupid!
I have learned to leave behind those people that suck the energy out of me.

And furthermore I can look forward to being even happier than I am!  That’s because, according to research I’ve been reading, the “mature” neurons in older brains react less intensely to negative experiences while still responding strongly to positive stimuli.

Growing old is mandatory....Growing up is optional
Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been!
Life is short and the more you age the faster it goes.
  Don’t waste it on crap you won’t even remember when you’re my age.

A few more added benefits to getting old.....
1. You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into the room....besides mine is now covered up by my boobs, so who would even notice it?
2.Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can’t remember them either.
3.Your supply of brain cells is finally down to a manageable size.
4.There’s nothing left to learn the hard way....been there, done that, worn the tee-shirt!
5.Happy hour’ for you is a refreshing nap.

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