Suzy the cat

We found Suzy in our kitchen staring at the fridge. She had appeared from nowhere and to this day we have no idea how she got in!
After feeding her some ham, she returned every day to be fed.
It wasn't long before she had moved in and we had bought her a lovely cat bed,  a collar, some feeding bowls and various cat toys.
We even had a special panel in our newly built conservatory for a catflap to be fitted so that she could come and go as she pleased.

It was over 12 months before we discovered that she actually lived next door!
Many years later, the neighbours have now moved leaving their (our?) beloved cat with us.

She spent the first few years with us drifting in and out of the house when she felt like it, bringing in delightful daily treats for us through her catflap.....a mouse one day, a frog, a bird the next!
She's generous like that!
I lost count of the number of times we spent chasing some poor Field-mouse around the house until we could catch it and release it back into the wild!  Or return home only to find a bird dive bombing us as we walked in. Oh no! She didn't kill them...she was thoughtful like that!

Then old age started to kick in (It happens to us all!).....She no longer wanted to pee and poop outside, she much preferred the bath or the kitchen sink!
So we bought her a litter tray, which she (Along with the dog Ollie!) uses on a regular basis.
In fact she doesn't go out much at all now. She spends most of her time sitting where ever I am, either on my feet or sat as close to me as she possibly can staring at me and constantly tapping me with her paw....I think living with 2 dogs finally got to her!

I do try to encourage her to go outside, to get some fresh air and exersize, but being a  very vocal cat, she just stands at the door looking all pitiful making the most horrendous howling noises, to the point that once a lady called round saying she was very concerned because she could hear a cat in great distress. I had to explain to the lady that this was the noise she always made when she wanted a door opening...the most joyous time for her to do this is at 3 oclock in the morning when she wants to come into our bedroom!

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