Tom is cruising down the motorway

Tom is cruising down the motorway way over the speed limit. Cop pulls him over.
"Sorry officer, guess the speedometer got away from me. Happens every time I get hammered and try to drive home."
"What?! You're intoxicated?"
"Well I needed a stiff drink after I shot that guy! It's okay though, I managed to fit the body in the boot."
"Sir, keep your hands where I can see them. Give me your license and registration right now."
"Well I would but it's in the glove box where I threw the gun, it's still pretty bloody and I don't want it to fall out until it's dried."
"Do. Not. Move. I'm calling for back-up."
Back-up gets there. Second cop gets out, and says
"Sir, please open your boot."
Tom opens it. Clean as a whistle.
"Please show me your glove box."
Tom opens it. Clean as a whistle, along with his license and registration.
"I'll need you to take a breathalyser."
Tom blows a .00
"Well what's going on? This officer said you had a dead body in the boot, a bloody gun in the glove box and were drunk."
Tom says,
"Ha, I bet he said I was speeding, too."

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