We met, we married a long time ago
he worked for long hours, his wages were low
no telly, no radio, no bath, times were hard
just a cold tap and toilet up the yard

No holidays abroad, no carpets on floor,
but we had coals on the fire and never locked the door.
Our children arrived, quite a few those days,
Yet we brought them up without state aid

No Valium, no drugs, no LSD,
we cured our pains with a Nice cup of tea
if we were sick, we were treated at once
not fill in a form and back in a month

No vandals, no muggings, we had nowt to rob
in fact, we were rich with a couple of bob
people were happier in those far off days
kinder and caring in so many ways

Milkmen and paperboys used to whistle and sing
a night at the flicks was a wonderful thing
oh, we all had our share of trouble and strife
but we had to face it, because that was life

But now I'm alone and look back through the years
I don't think of the bad times, the trouble, the tears
I remember the blessings, and our love
we shared them together
and I thank God above

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