Top 10 facts about October

1. The Anglo-Saxons called October Winterfylleth (or Winterfilth as Tolkien's hobbits put it) meaning the 'fullness' of winter.
2. The Welsh for October is Hydref (originally Hyddfref), a word signifying the lowing of cattle.
3. In Catholic Europe in 1582, October had only 21 days. Changing from Julian to Gregorian calendar, the days from 5-14 October were omitted.
4. The Hunt For Red October is the only film with October in its title to win an Oscar.
5. The month of October is not mentioned at all in any of William Shakespeare's plays.
6. Bounty mutineer Fletcher Christian named his first son Thursday October Christian, because he was born on a Thursday in October 1790.
The month of October is not mentioned at all in any of William Shakespeare's plays.
7. Years later it was realised he got it wrong: the boy should have been Friday October Christian.
8. According to a recent study in Italy, October is the best month for conceiving a boy baby.
9. “I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.” (Lucy Maud Montgomery; Anne of Green Gables)
10. “Beer's intellectual. What a shame so many idiots drink it. (Ray Bradbury, The October Country, 1955).

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