After his father's death

After his father's death, a man decided to have his mother cared for in an old people's home.

He visited her whenever it was possible in his busy life.

One day he received a call from the home.... 

"Your Mom is seriously ill. Please come and visit her"
He went to see her the following day to find her in a critical condition and he knew that she didn't have long left to live.

He asked her..... 

"Mom, is there anything I can do for you ?"

She replied.... 
"Please make arrangements to have some Air conditioning fans installed in this home, as they don't have any. Also buy them a fridge, so that they always have somewhere to keep stocked up with fresh food. Many nights I have gone to bed hungry"

Her son was surprised and said..... 
"Mom, whilst you have been here you have never once complained, now that you only have a few hours left to live, you have chosen to ask me to help make changes in the home. Why is that?!"

To which she replied.....
"It's OK my dear son, I've coped perfectly well with the heat and hunger pains, but when your children send you here, I am afraid you will not be able to manage!"

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