Please don't think that I've forgotten you

Please don't think that I've forgotten you, 
Or don't think of you each day. 
My days have been so busy! 
And life gets in the way! 
Each morning when I wake up, 
My first thoughts are of you, 
"Today will be the day" I think 
"That I'll send my love to you" 
But then the day is over, 
Another chance slips by, 
Another day I missed the chance 
To simply just say "Hi". 
So now I'm sending this to you, 
To let you know I care, 
My thoughts are sent to you with love. 
I wish I could be there. 
If you could look inside my heart, 
You'd see that special place, 
You're always there, 
You're in my thoughts, 
So I'm sending this in case... 
You ever think I've forgotten you.... 
Please know that isn't true! 
You will always be a part of me. 
I love you through and through.
~ Julia Turner ~

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