Lockdown 2020 - A letter to my Grandson.

To my beautiful little Oscar...

It's been 12 weeks now.
12 weeks since I cuddled you, kissed you, stroked your hair and held your little hand....

Your Mummy has sent me lots of photos and videos and kept me updated. Telling me all about your adventures. I have seen you on video calls, that cheeky little face and sweet little voice, but.....

I miss our cuddles. I miss that sleepy little face when you just wake up and you cuddle right up to me until you are fully awake. I miss stroking your soft little cheeks. I miss you sitting on my knee listening to my made up stories and songs, reading books, snuggling up on the settee watching Mr Tumble and munching on toast. 
Making dens with your blankets and building Lego towers. 
Playing dinosaurs and making pictures...
I miss you holding on to my hand when we go on our little walks together. Your face so full of awe and excitement at the simplest of things.
I miss how excited you get when Grandad comes home from work. 
You and the dogs all running out to greet him as he gets out of his car! 🤗 

You're a very lucky and loved little boy ❤ You are thoroughly enjoying lockdown. You've had some very special times. You've had some great adventures and spent lots of extra time with your mummy and daddy....You are growing up into such a big boy!

At least I can see you now, which is amazing. You have such a beautiful energy about you, always happy, funny and inquisitive. 
So innocent and unaware of all the bad things in the world....I wish your life could always be like that...

I just wish you understood why I cant stand too close to you, why I cant pick you up and hug you, kiss you, tickle you and make you giggle...stroke your hair. 
I hope you dont think it's because I dont want to, because that would make me very very sad.

Me and Grandad have been doing our very best to make our garden as exciting as possible for when you can come back here!
We've put brand new bedding on your big boys bed in your bedroom and made more space for you to play!

And you know what Oscar? Soon things will return to normal again. Soon you can spend the day at Gran and Grandad's house again! Soon there will be lots of cuddles, lots of stories, giggles, songs and dancing here. We can go on long walks looking for animals and treasures. You can play in the garden, maybe mummy and daddy will even let you sleep over! 
All your toys are here waiting for you. Ollie and Kaya miss you too! 

Soon, very soon, life can go back to how it used to be, how it should be.
That day will mean even more to me than the day that you were born! 

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