Kaya 🐺

Yesterday we said goodbye to our beautiful Kaya 💔 🐺

The one who never left my side, the one who would follow me from room to room and often lay at my feet.

She always knew when I was sad and would comfort me.

She was stunningly beautiful, sometimes stubborn, but always loyal.

She loved her food, loved people, but generally wasn't too keen on other dogs and woe betide any cats that crossed her path!

In her later life, she stopped trying to play with our other dog, Ollie, when he chased his sticks. She was just happy to amble along on walks with regular stops to sniff out interesting smells (or disguarded food!) But was known to have a sudden burst of energy and have a mad half hour. 

She always lay in the most awkward places! We were forever stepping over her. She lay in doorways to protect us and keep the baddies away.

She loved the beach. She will be deeply missed on future holidays. She loved to paddle, but wasn't happy if the water went higher than her belly! 

She was a beautiful soul, that will remain in our hearts forever.

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