The trouble with Facebook...

Facebook is great!
It can create new friendships and renew old ones.
It keeps us in touch with our friends and family and enables us to make friends with people from all over the world. I personally have been lucky enough to have met some really great people and I have formed some great friendships...
I have also met my fair share of nutters too!

 It's also great for having a nosey into other people's lives...seeing photographs of their families, seeing what they have been up to and who with!

One of the major problem with making 'new friends' on Facebook is that because we are more than likely in our own homes when using it, we feel comfortable, relaxed, it's almost like the person we are talking to is right there with we tend to open up, share personal things with them that we wouldn't normally discuss with someone who is, after all, a stranger.
Sometimes this is a good thing, it is therapeutic and helpful to share our problems with others, especially for those people that live alone or that have nobody in their life willing to listen... but my warning is this...Be very very wary what personal details you share with people you hardly know...I mean you wouldn't open up like that with someone you had just met in a pub, would you!
Ask yourself this.."Can I really trust this person?"
People online can be anyone they want to be...often, even the best of them only show their good side online...although in my experience, they do eventually slip up and let their bad side show too.

 Another big problem with Facebook is that people are being turned down by employers for jobs, intern-ships and even interviews because of the information employers are finding out about them on their Facebook accounts. Many jobs have been lost, as a result of information found on Facebook accounts.
Compromising and inappropriate pictures, statements or other information on  Facebook accounts can hurt the users chances to gain, stay in (or even be considered for) employment. Employers take the images that users are portraying on Facebook very seriously as a reflection of personal character.


1 comment:

Unknown said...