Fancy dress!

So I'm not sure what it is about this last couple of months, but the last couple of parties we have been invited to have been fancy dress!
Doesn't anyone have normal parties anymore?!

The first one, I was told just a few days before, was a "1980's fancy dress"
My first thoughts were "Oh no! I don't wanna go!"
But then the more I thought about it, the more excited I got about it!
So we all set about deciding what to wear.
Of course I had to be a rocker and Paul decided to be a Punk rocker. Sarah was a Rock chick and Rachael...well she was sort of a 1980's Barbie doll! (not sure if that was her intention, but that's what she looked like to me!)

So on the day of the party we all spent ages getting ready, wigs, makeup, lots of laughter..the works!
My outfit didn't exactly go to plan...I sorta looked like some kind of hideous throw back...the kind of middle aged woman you find hanging around seedy nightclubs in Manchester...She was probably quite a party animal in her time. Still living in the past...totally oblivious that time had more than caught up with her. The kind of woman you wouldn't want to cross!!...The only thing that was missing was skintight leather pants. thigh length boots and arms covered in tattoos. I went for denim...denim was safer and less hideous on a woman of my generous proportions!

Paul looked brilliant!! Sporting appropriate Punk rock clothes, safety pins and a magnificent Mohican wig! Of course the girls both looked beautiful!! Sarah a steamingly sexy Rock chick in PVC and animal print and Rachael a cute and pretty little doll dressed in a cute little Care bears skirt.

So off we set, all ready for action!
We arrived at the house, parked up outside the house and saw several other people arriving and the host of the party stood at the front door.....but wait!!
Was this a set up?! What's going on?!

This was the point that we find out that it was actually a 1980's "Theme night!"

Paul wasn't impressed at all!! He started the car up, muttering something unrepeatable under his breath and set off for home!!
But me and the girls weren't about to let all that effort go to waste!
Plus this was my niece's birthday party...we didn't want to miss it whatever the cost! 

So Paul quite literally dumped us at the road side and went home.

We crept in, hoping to go un-noticed....which, lets face it wasn't going to happen!
The girls were met with admiration...My 'Look' was met with laughter, shock and horror!
Apparently, according to was the eyebrows...I've never really had eyebrows, or at least not visible ones...they are blonde...oh ok! they are ginger! And I've never quite been able to carry the look off of drawing them on without looking incredibly surprised or angry, so I just allow my fringe to grow a bit longer than normal and cover up my browless area! However with a black wig, it seemed only right that I drew on black eyebrows!

As the night went on and after everyone had got over the shock and amusement of seeing me...a few glasses of wine later......Other people turned up in fancy dress and I felt quite normal!

And we had a thoroughly enjoyable time! Nobody can say we didn't make an effort and I did provide a bit of amusement for everyone! I even got invited on a night out by a woman I barely know...under the condition that I dressed exactly the same way I was dressed that night....I wasn't quite sure how to take that! LOL



The second party was a Roman theme, so not quite as wigs or over the top make up required. But just as much fun!!
Paul looked rather dashing as Julius Caesar and I went as..well just a Roman person really!
The other option was a Greek Goddess....gone are the days that I can carry off that look!!
This was a surprise 50th birthday party for our friend Julie....although she did kind of guess something was going on when she was handed a Roman Empress outfit an hour before the party!
Another excellent night out!!

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