Old Fuddy Duddys

Old Fuddy Duddys

If 5 years ago, forget that! 2 years ago, someone had suggested to me that I bought a caravan I would have laughed in their face!! I couldn't imagine anything worse than being sat in a field in the middle of nowhere in a tin box!!
No, thank you very much...that wasn't what I would call a holiday!
After all caravans were for old fuddy duddys!
Boring people...Not a thrill seeker like me!

We always had a holiday abroad, most years we would have 2, some years we even had 3.
Until the time came that we no longer found it easy to get anyone to look after the 2 dogs.
When the girls were at home it was easy, but now that they both have full time jobs, animals and homes of their own to care for, our options were running out....
We couldn't possibly kennel them (the dogs that is, not the girls!)...they had been through enough before they came to us to risk making them feel abandoned.

 So I suggested, on a whim, that we take the dogs with us.....
"I know I said, why don't we buy a caravan?"
Were these words REALLY coming out of MY mouth?!

So that's just what we did.....We bought the cheapest, smallest (and probably the oldest) caravan on the planet and I fell in love!! We decorated her on the inside and out...We even added our names to the front of her..I know, I know, how sad can you get?!!!
We made matching cushions and curtains....put pictures up here and there, a small vase of flowers...a real home from home.

And you know what? I LOVE our little van.
I have called her Maude....Not sure why, it just kinda suited her!
She sits on our driveway and it's great! If the weather's looking good and we have nothing else planned for the weekend off we go!
You don't even have to pack a suitcase! You just transfer your clothes from one wardrobe to another...if you want to take 16 jumpers and 22 pairs of shoes with you...you can!! No need to worry about stupid airport regulations.....You just throw it all in the van!
We have everything we need in there...a cooker, fridge, heating, running water...and the best bit of all a TOILET!!
Maude is like our own little haven of togetherness and  happiness...Ok, ok getting a bit carried away there! But you get the picture! :)

Maude has brought Paul and I closer together, given us another joint interest...time to ourselves, away from it all!  Just me, Paul and the dogs!

I can't even begin to describe the feeling of tranquility and peace. All that green around us, long walks in the countryside, trips to the beach....Soooo relaxing.
What more can you ask for?!

And of course with the beautiful summer we have had in England this year, well, this Summer has just been perfect!

By the end of this year we will have had about a dozen trips away in her, sometimes for a week or 2, other times just a long weekend.
We will probably get another year out of Maude before she starts falling apart and then our plan is to get a newer updated version...one with the only thing that is missing from her..a shower!

This year has been the first year in 21 years that I haven't been abroad....and you know what? I haven't missed it one bit!

So that's it...it's official, I am now a fully signed up member of the Fuddy Duddy club!

My only regret....WHY DIDN'T WE DO THIS YEARS AGO?!

Never judge other people until you have walked a mile in their shoes!
Never criticise someone for doing something they love, especially if you have never tried it for yourself!



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